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Gelatin silver print

11" x 14" (Actual Image size: 9 1/2" x 12")



Beet-Sugar Mill, Central Ukraine. (As the director of the Ukrainian State Sugar Beet Company walks by with me in tow, the dezhurnaya leaps to attention at her post. The omnipresent dezhurnayas are in every factory, office, and hotel in the Union. Their job is to stay in place, watch, be available for action or assistance if need be. There are dezhurnayas whose job is to sit and watch department store escalators. The name is a product of the pre-revolutionary Russian aristocratic classes' infactuation with all things French. Thus, "person on duty" became the du-jour-naya.) November 1991.


Inscription: "Beet-Sugar Mill, Central Ukraine / (C) Shepard Sherbell/SABA" in graphite on verso. Condition: two short tears with emulsion crack in right margin.



Shepard Sherbell


"Beet-Sugar Mill, Central Ukraine" 1991

Excluding Sales Tax
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